Thursday, June 23, 2011

League of Legends Tier List

Demi and Trademarkk's Tier List (as of 6/23/11)

This tier listing will be broken down into categories for easier reference. This is a listing of the top 5 from each category. If you do not agree with the tier list then you are a scrub and should just uninstall now. <Insert your mother joke here... More trolling... That's what she said>

Tank: Amumu, Singed, Rammus, Maokai, Alistar
Ranged Carry: Ashe, Corki, Vayne, TF, MF
Melee Carry: Irelia, Xin, GP (now buffed), Jax, Trynd
AP Carry: Annie, Malz, Vlad, Anivia, Ryze
Support: Sona, Janna, Soraka, Zil, Taric
Jungle: Amumu, Nunu, Trudle, Nocturne, WW

Honorable Mention: Rumble, Mord, Teemo, Lux, Karth

Again, if you don't agree with what you see here, you can comment below... And then I will delete them. Enjoy!