Thursday, June 23, 2011

League of Legends Tier List

Demi and Trademarkk's Tier List (as of 6/23/11)

This tier listing will be broken down into categories for easier reference. This is a listing of the top 5 from each category. If you do not agree with the tier list then you are a scrub and should just uninstall now. <Insert your mother joke here... More trolling... That's what she said>

Tank: Amumu, Singed, Rammus, Maokai, Alistar
Ranged Carry: Ashe, Corki, Vayne, TF, MF
Melee Carry: Irelia, Xin, GP (now buffed), Jax, Trynd
AP Carry: Annie, Malz, Vlad, Anivia, Ryze
Support: Sona, Janna, Soraka, Zil, Taric
Jungle: Amumu, Nunu, Trudle, Nocturne, WW

Honorable Mention: Rumble, Mord, Teemo, Lux, Karth

Again, if you don't agree with what you see here, you can comment below... And then I will delete them. Enjoy!


  1. Are these personally ranked from left to right in your opinion?

  2. Yes. Starting from the best on the left and then moving right.

  3. Tank: Amumu, Rammus, singed, shen
    Ranged Carry: Vayne, TF, Vayne, MF, Caitlin
    Melee Carry: Irelia, Xin, poppy
    AP Carry: Annie, Malz, Vlad, Anivia
    Support: Janna, Sona, Taric, Nidalee
    Jungle: Nunu, Amumu

    Rumble should definitely be mentioned as he is a beast, along with Gragas... i think the Euros really showed us their potential.
