Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Playing WoW... Again

Well I managed to go for a few months without playing World of Warcraft, but it was inevitable... I have been drawn back in. I blame my good friend Travis for this, as he was always ditching me in League of Legends to raid with his guild. Instead of being left out and playing League by myself I decided to play WoW with him. I didn't have a whole lot of time to check all of the new stuff out last night since I was immediately invited to a raid group as soon as I joined, but I did notice quite a bit of change in raid content already. Baradin Hold now has a new boss, Occuthar, who summons eye balls to do shadow damage to the raid, and then picks a location to nuke with his flaming laser beam gaze of doom! Basically you just have to collapse every few seconds to AoE the eyes and then dodge his laser eye gaze.

Next I made my way back into Blackwing Descent where all of the bosses remain the same, except that they have been hit with the biggest nerf bat I have ever seen. Apparently Blizzard has realized that 90% of the people who play this game are baddies and they have now dumbed down raid content to compensate. Where my guild and I had struggled just to clear up to Nefarion, my new guild seemed to clear the bosses like they were trash mobs. It's very possible that this has to do with all the new gear that Blizzard has been doling out in my absence, but I think it has more to do with the nerfs.

I also noticed that all of my addons were out of date when I logged back in for the first time, and I realized how scrubby of a healer I am without some form of assistance from either Healbot or VuhDo. They just makes healing SOOOO much easier. So after a shaky start of manually healing through raid frame clicking, I went and installed Healbot and increased my HPS dramatically. I'm gonna have to go back in tonight and tweak a few more things before I get my UI back to it's original state...

The new content should be able to hold my interest for a few months at least. After I get bored again I will probably cancel my subscription once again, only to be dragged back in by new content like a worn down heroin addict looking to get his fix by shooting up through his last remaining good veins in his eyeballs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WHY GOD?! What atrocity has Ben committed that you would punish him like this?! Edited for grammar
