Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Black Ops Boycott

Fellow gamers,

Boycotting Black Ops!
I have decided that I am not going to purchase Call of Duty: Black Ops at its current price point. With the recent onslaught of top tiered games hitting store shelves this holiday season I find myself in a predicament. I am a poor college student, and with my limited income I have to pick and choose which of these games are worth my hard earned cash. I however don't believe that Black Ops is worth my $60. I know that Call of Duty is a college phenomenon, where every dorm room occupying the male halls will have CoD on their  televisions for the next 6 months, not mine though.

First off; Black Ops was made by Treyarch, which is the same team that made the less successful Call of Duty: World at War. This was my first indication that the game would not be as good as it's predecessor Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Now from what I hear, the story in Black Ops is top notch compared to the other campaigns in the Call of Duty series, which is definitely saying something. However paying $60 for a 4 hour experience is hardly worth it, I would much rather spend $10 and play Super Meat Boy for a 4 hour experience. I know that people don't buy Call of Duty games for the campaign, it's for the multiplayer...

The multiplayer from what I've heard is practically a replica of the other Call of Duty's multiplayer, with the exception of new maps. Yes, there are a few new game modes that you will get to experience, but in exchange they have also removed a few of the classic game modes as well. The leveling system has also been modified. No longer are you required to grind levels for hours on end to earn yourself that beloved AK-47, instead you earn money from your mulitplayer matches which you then use to buy only the guns and equipment that you want to use. While this may seem like a great idea at first since it seems to makes players equal at all levels, it also takes away from that feeling of accomplishment that you got when you reached level 40 and unlocked your M-16. Now players will just buy an M-16 immediately and never use any of the other weapons in the game.

I do like that Treyarch included zombies once again in their most recent title, but I just can't justify paying full price to pay full price for this game. Zombie mode on World at War felt like it was just tacked on at the end with no real thought and I can only imagine that it was the same time around as well. If ever I feel the need to get my fix of "modern warfare" anytime soon, I will probably be one of the few who will be occupying the MW2 servers, along with my fellow Black Ops boy-cotters! Viva la MW2!


  1. Well... just sayin... Black Ops is pretty sweet. I think it was worth my money.

  2. You failed on black ops. NAZI ZOMBIES FTW.
