Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stupid Kinect

Fellow gamers,

Look how dumb these fools look...
I find it appalling that Microsoft and Sony just think that they can hop on the Nintendo bandwagon. I know that the Wii is making Nintendo a lot of money and dazzling all the casual gamers out there, but I didn't buy my 360 because I am a casual gamer I bought it because I want to play REAL games. I know that Mario, Metroid, and Zelda are all real games, and I'm not hating on them (they are actually some of my favorites), but I bought the 360 for CoD, Halo, and Rockstar games.

Now however Microsoft has decided that they would like a piece of the casual gamer pie as well, and I just don't see the point... Nintendo is already 3 years in the lead with motion controlled gaming. The press is trying to hype the Kinect, but they can't fool us actual gamers. The release craze will die just like it did with the Wii, and everyone who bought a Kinect day one will feel like all the fools who bought the EyeToy for the PS2. Microsoft can try all they want to push the Kinect on us, but I for one am not going to spend $150 for a gimmick. Plus for those of us who don't have the new 360 slim, we will have to plug the Kinect into a wall outlet to power it, as the old 360 was not made to be Kinect compatible.

Casual gamers can rejoice, however for the rest of us we will be enjoying Call of Duty: BlackOps very soon.


  1. didn't know about the 'slim only' problem...thanks for the info!

  2. Edit: I had to edit the article as I have found out that the Kinect will work with the old 360, it just has to be plugged in separately.

  3. I would have to agree with you here. If you dont have a wii and are going to spend the $150 to get the Kinect then you should just buy the wii and play those games on the console they were ment to be played on.
